Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

1000 Yards, 08-04-2023

Eighteen brave souls spent Easter Saturday afternoon attempting to conquer the strong, gusty winds that swept across the range from 9.00 o’clock (West) as they tried to keep their shots on target at 1000 yards.  All of them came away battered with egos bruised.  Full marks for trying though!

Oliver Ploch in his Sporter/Hunter Class shoot nevertheless came away with a very respectable 102.04!

Name:Link to GroupsGrade 20231000 Yards
Target Rifle:   
Caske, JohnClickB87.03
Errington, IanClickB85.04
Thompson, DonClickA84.02
Menzel, JohnClickB77.03
Wiid, ZydenClickC72.01
Thomas, WarrickClickC71.03
Burgess, Greg Vis70.02
Vinter, LyleClickB66.01
Wiid, PieterClickC31.01
F/TR: Scope 
Dunsmore, Jim Vis98.03
Craick, GordonClickF/TR94.00
Morley, ScottClickF/TR81.02
F-Class Open: Scope 
Constantinou, GeorgeClickFO113.02
Ploch, OliverClickFO103.01
Li, Jianjun (David)ClickFO90.02
F-Class Standard: Scope 
Kitching, ThomasClickFSB98.08
Pickles, BrianClickFSA96.03
Van Roo, MaxClickFSB95.00
Sporter/Hunter Scope 
Ploch, OliverClickS/H102.04
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