Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

1000 Yards, 25-03-2023

The first shoot at 1000 yards for 2023 proved to be the usual character-building experience which that distance regularly provides with quick changing winds from the 10.30 quarter creating headaches for the shooters with the consequences that scores were generally low across the range.

Name:Link to GroupsGrade 20231000 Yards
Target Rifle   
Pratt, JoshuaClickA100.06
Marett, LeighClickA100.05
Spence, JamesClickA99.06
O’Loghlen, KimClickA99.05
Brinin, IsaacClickB98.06
Caske, JohnClickB94.09
Meldrum, CraigClickB94.04
Bell, RobertClickB93.05
Thompson, DonClickA91.05
Whalan, DominicClickB91.05
Errington, IanClickB90.02
Vinter, LyleClickB87.04
Menzel, JohnClickB86.01
Canty, Marcia ClickC84.03
Wiid, ZydenClickC72.01
Wiid, PieterClickC70.01
F/TR Scope 
Clarkson, BrettClickF/TR113.07
Ruthven, BradClickF/TR107.01
Stevens, JohnClickF/TR102.01
Morley, ScottClickF/TR100.05
Craick, GordonClickF/TR94.02
F-Class Open: Scope 
Ploch, OliverClickFO113.04
Chapman, AnthonyClickFO111.04
F-Class Standard Scope 
Latham, WendyClickFSB111.02
Latham, WayneClickFSA110.01
Davidson, IvorClickFSA109.05
Menzel, PaulClickFSB106.02
Berger, RayClickFSA103.02
Pickles, BrianClickFSA101.02
Kitching, ThomasClickFSB91.03
Kitching, Lee Vis85.00
Van Roo, MaxClickFSB82.01
Sporter/Hunter Scope 
Latham, WayneClickS/H98.08
Ploch, OliverClickS/H50.06
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