Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

2023 NRAA Kings – Stage 1

Natives Rifle Club members lead TR-B Grade and FT-R after the first stage of the 2023 Kings Prize.

Rudi Mueller (pictured below left) has continued his recent good form by winning TR- B grade while John Stevens (below right) is back on track and leading in FT-R.

Go the Natives!

Summary of Scores: 
The National Kings: 
Stg #1 Aggregate 
A-Grade:1st – Ash Bidgood, Crows Nest200.27
 Natives Club Scores: 
 7th – Josh Pratt199.17
 8th – Jessica Crawford198.20
 Leigh Marett196.20
 Kim O’Loghlen193.17
 Don Thompson192.13
B-Grade:1st – Rudi Mueller Natives195.14
 Other Natives Club Scores: 
 4th – Isaac Brinin193.16
 6th – John Caske191.12
C-Grade:Nil Entries 
F-Std A:1st – Andrew McKillop, Pacific238.24
F-Std B:1st – Lynton McRostie, Pacific232.14
F-Open:1st – Sean Campbell, Inverell RSM239.25
 Natives Club Scores: 
 Oliver Ploch235.18
F/TR:1st – John Stevens, Natives237.16
 Other Natives Club Scores: 
 Kristine Crawford228.08
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