Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

2023 VRA Championships – Syme Aggregate to Bob Crawford

Natives Rifle Club member, Bob Crawford, has won the Victorian TR-A Grade Championships lead-up aggregate, The Syme, with an excellent score of 297.34 holding out Mick Chad of Port Macquarie by 8 central bulls.

Fellow club member, Don Thompson finished in 11th place on 291.19.

In TR-B grade, John Caske finished 5th on 277.16, 14 points behind the winner, Adam McLennan from Kyneton.

Natives Club member Kristine Crawford came 4th in F-Class Standard with 340.14 just 3 points off the pace set by John Simons of Broken Hill.

Well done, Natives!  All the best for the Kings Prize!

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