Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

600 Yards, 16-03-2024

Light over-cast together with winds quickly changing from 10.00 o’clock through to straight down the range into our faces created plenty of challenges for the 33 members who shot 600 yards on Saturday.

No-one managed to shoot a possible on the day but Kim O’Loghlen and Bob Crawford came close with 104 points each in TR while David Li shot a nice 123.13 in his first shoot for the season after his forced absence due to illness.

Name:Link to GroupsGrade 2024600 Yards
Target Rifle:   
O’Loghlen, KimClickA104.12
Crawford, BobClickA104.11
Bell, RobertClickB104.08
Spence, JamesClickA103.10
Brinin, IsaacClickA102.09
Baker, LukeClickA102.07
Caske, JohnClickB100.08
Menzel, JohnClickB98.08
Mueller, RudiClickB98.06
Spence, TeddyClickB96.07
Smith, SteveClickA96.05
Thomas, WarwickClickC93.02
Wiid, ZydenClickC92.05
Meldrum, CraigClickB90.03
Thompson, DonClickA88.02
Canty, Marcia ClickC85.03
F/TR: Scope 
Clarkson, BrettClickF/TR120.10
Crawford, KristineClickF/TR118.06
Craick, GordonClickF/TR117.03
Morley, ScottClickF/TR112.07
F-Class Open: Scope 
Ploch, OliverClickFO120.04
Kansky, AndyClickFO116.03
Chapman, AnthonyClickFO114.05
F-Class Standard: Scope 
Li, Jianjun (David)ClickFSA123.13
Blair, WayneClickFSA121.03
Pickles, BrianClickFSB117.06
Latham, WendyClickFSA117.04
Berger, RayClickFSA117.02
Van Roo, MaxClickFSB113.05
Wiid, PieterClickFSB110.05
Van Roo, DennisClickFSB110.02
Latham, WayneClickFSA108.04
Sporter-PC Scope 
Latham, WayneClickS-PC104.13
Berger, RayClickS-PC102.11
Mueller, RudiClickS-PC101.11
Sporter-PCO Scope 
Ploch, OliverClickS-PCO102.12

Cocks of the Walk at 600 Yards!

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