Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

16-12-2023, 600 Yards Christmas Breakup

An awesome total of 50 people including 17 visitors, friends and family of members turned out for the Christmas breakup shoot with Christmas hams up for grabs.

Bob Crawford (TR-A), Lyle Vinter (TR-B), Warwick Thomas (TR-C), Ray Berger (FSA), Thomas Kitching (FSB), Oliver Ploch (FO) and John Stevens (F/TR) all won hams.  Hammy Christmas to you all!

Top scoring visitors were Shannay Butler (TR), Andy Fahay (FS), James Chapman (FO) and Flynn Stevens (F/TR). 

This shoot is an enjoyable celebration of our inclusive sport of fullbore target rifle shooting in its many forms.  

The year has been a very successful one for the Club and many of its members participated in major national and international competitions.  Several members have been selected to represent Australia in international competition in 2024 and we wish them good shooting.
Read the Club Captain’s Annual Report by clicking the link below. 

Please have a safe and joyous Christmas and a happy and fulfilling New Year.  See you on the range in 2024!

Christmas Ham winners for 2023

Name:Link to GroupsGrade 2023Xmas Breakup (Ham winners) 
Target Rifle:   
Crawford, BobClickA49.05
Crawford, JessicaClickA49.05
Butler, Shannay Vis49.04
Vinter, LyleClickB49.04
Marett, LeighClickA49.03
O’Loghlen, KimClickA49.02
Spence, JamesClickA48.03
Brinin, IsaacClickB48.03
Menzel, JohnClickB48.02
Baker, LukeClickA48.01
Caske, JohnClickB47.04
Thompson, DonClickA47.02
Whalan, DominicClickB47.01
Thomas, WarwickClickC45.01
Smith, SteveClickA44.04
Whalan, Oliver Vis13.00
F/TR: Scope 
Stevens, JohnClickF/TR59.05
Stevens, Flynn Vis58.01
Crawford, KristineClickF/TR57.03
Clarkson, BrettClickF/TR56.02
Pratt, CraigClickF/TR54.02
Morley, ScottClickF/TR53.02
Stevens, John JnrClickVis51.01
F-Class Open: Scope 
Chapman, James Vis60.07
Ploch, OliverClickFO59.04
Kansky, RhysClickFO59.01
Constantinou, GeorgeClickFO57.01
Kansky, AndyClickFO55.02
Chapman, AnthonyClickFO55.01
F-Class Standard: Scope 
Berger, RayClickFSA60.04
Kitching, ThomasClickFSB58.04
Davidson, IvorClickFSA57.02
Pickles, BrianClickFSA55.03
Van Roo, MaxClickFSB55.00
Fahey, Andy Vis54.02
McNichol, David Vis53.02
McNichol, Ewan Vis53.01
Kitching, LeeClickFSB53.00
Blair, WayneClickFSA53.00
McNichol, Blake Vis53.00
McNichol, Nathan Vis50.00
McNichol, Ali Vis49.01
McNichol, Mark Vis49.00
Allan, Shae Vis48.00
Inwood, Tony FSB48.00
McNichol, Felicity Vis35.00
McNichol, Patrice Vis30.01
Atwood, Lisa Vis9.00
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